Skilled up with Business Skills

Working in an automotive workshop wasn’t always on Monique Dyball’s list of jobs, however after nearly three years working at Maidstone Panelbeaters in the office, she is loving every day.

Monique was previously working at a law firm as a receptionist but wanted to move into a role with more growth and more customer focus. “I saw there were opportunities for growth with this role. I wasn’t specifically looking for something in the automotive industry, but I was looking for something in the administration area and so this job ended up being perfect for what I wanted to do. When I was at the law firm it was almost lonely as I was there most of the time by myself.” Now she is surrounded by people, “I love the team I work with; my bosses are great. I also love working with people and I enjoy meeting new customers every day.”

Monique has been able to grow and really make this role her own. One way that helped her to do this was being awarded a 2022 MITO Business Skills scholarship which paid for MITO’s New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) programme. Monique first heard about the programme when an email went out last year advertising the MITO scholarships. Monique applied for the scholarship not thinking she would be awarded it. However, a few months later Monique received a phone call from MITO’s Director Verna Niao, advising her she had been awarded this scholarship and she was very excited, “I was very surprised and very happy I had won.”

Monique’s bosses and team were also very happy for her when she was awarded the scholarship, and credits their support to helping her succeed as well. “My bosses were very excited for me, they said I deserved it. My manager Annette wrote an email to support my scholarship and she’s been amazing the whole way through. She’s mentored me and helped me when needed. I have been very lucky.”

2022 MITO Business Skills Scholarship winner Monique Dyball

When asked why she applied for the scholarship Monique said, “to level up and gain more skills in my area. I saw it as an opportunity to learn more. I just wanted to be better at my everyday job.” Monique is doing just that. She started the programme in May and has about six more weeks until she is finished. She is really enjoying it so far, “It has related to my job in so many ways and it has taught me so much about leadership, different ways to manage conflict and how to develop ideas. It has taught me things that will not only help me in my job now but in my future as well.”

Monique wants to continue at Maidstone’s but can see herself completing more study. “Completing this course and being awarded the scholarship has given me the kind of push to keep going. I never thought I would be able to do it and now I know I can carry on with studying which is cool.” A factor that helped with this confidence was learning to juggle study with her full-time work. The Business Skills programme along with most MITO programmes are completed while working full-time. “[The workload] is manageable. I have been able to make time for both study and work. I do a couple of hours after work each day about three times a week and I do some on the weekend.”

2024 scholarships will open for applications in September 2023. Monique's advice for others is, “definitely apply! It is worth it 100%. In your application just be completely honest at where you are at and where you want to go. Go for it and see what happens.”

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