In December 2024, the Government released the outcome of its consultation on the future of the Vocational Education and Training System. You can find the media release here: Vocational education and training decisions support return to regions |

This outcome reaffirms the Government’s commitment to return decision making around vocational education and training to regions, and states its commitment to enabling greater industry input into work-based learning.

Te Pūkenga will be disestablished by the end of 2026 and ITPs will be allowed to be established as autonomous entities, either standalone or as part of a federation. Further decisions on the arrangements for each polytechnic will be made in the first half of 2025.

With regards to work-based learning, the announcement said that Industry Skills Boards (ISBs) would be established to be responsible for national standards setting (qualification, credential, and standards development, and programme endorsement), as well as a workforce planning function.

A further, targeted consultation was announced around two possible options for the future structure of work-based learning. This consultation began on 27 January and closes 21 February 2025. 

Read the consultation document here: 2025 Work-based learning reforms – targeted consultation - Ministry of Education

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email 

Many thanks once again to those of you who have joined us in providing feedback on the Government’s proposals so far. You can find our MITO submission on the 2024 consultation here.

If you have any comments or questions for MITO, please email us at