Currently working towards a National Certificate in Motor Industry (Diesel Fuel Injection Engineering) at Diesel Services Auckland, 23-year old Jimmy Jackson isn’t one to pass up a chance to develop his skills. So when the opportunity arose to apply for a cadetship programme with Denso Automotive Systems, Jimmy jumped at the chance.
“You’ve really got to keep an open mind towards anything that comes along,” he says. “After my supervisor approached me with the application and suggested I apply, I thought, why not? You might as well take these opportunities as they come and gain as much experience as you can.”
After writing a submission letter detailing why he felt he deserved the opportunity to be part of the cadetship, Jimmy was thrilled to hear that he had been selected. “I was absolutely stoked, I couldn’t believe it!” he laughs. Even more impressively, out of the five successful applicants, Jimmy was the only Kiwi!

Jimmy Jackson (right), with Diesel Services owner Marty Kemp
“This is a heck of an opportunity that I have never seen offered in my 30 years in the industry,” says Diesel Services owner Marty Kemp. And, he says, not only will it help Jimmy to develop his skills, it will also help the business as a whole. “Jimmy will come back from this training with specialist skills and knowledge, which is a huge benefit for us as a business.”The cadetship, which includes three all-expenses paid trips to Melbourne this year, is the opportunity of a lifetime. Training in world class facilities with specialist Denso trainers, those selected have the opportunity to learn to use the tools and equipment that are necessary to be trained to the highest standard in the specialised diesel fuel injection industry.
Marty understands the importance of having qualified staff working for him. “It lifts our credibility with all of our customers, and with the rest of the industry,” he says. When Jimmy began work at Diesel Services, Marty made sure to get him signed up to a MITO training programme, to ensure that he got qualified.
“Having that qualification is important” says Jimmy. “It’s proof that you’ve started from the bottom and you’ve worked your way up, learning along the way.”
As for Jimmy’s future plans? “My main focus now is getting qualified,” he says. “Perhaps in the future I’ll look into management, but for now, I’m just working on getting as much experience in the industry as possible.”
No matter what Jimmy decides to do within the industry, there’s no doubt that with a MITO qualification and a Denso cadetship under his belt, he’ll be set for success.