Second Scholarship Success

As Workshop Manager for Blair’s Auto Electrical Ltd on the Kapiti Coast, Isaac Probert is a strong advocate for getting qualified. With three MITO qualifications already under his belt, the 29 year old is well on his way to earning his fourth — thanks to a 2015 MITO Graduate scholarship.

A qualification tends to give you a level of authenticity in your knowledge and ability from a customer’s perspective.

“I’ve always maintained that having a qualification provides you with long-term job opportunities,” says Isaac. “Apart from the obvious benefits they offer in terms of career progression, a qualification tends to give you a level of authenticity in your knowledge and ability from a customer’s perspective. I believe it’s really important for the industry.”

Isaac Probert

Isaac Probert, Graduate scholarship recipient

Isaac describes receiving the scholarship as deeply rewarding. It’s a familiar feeling for him after also receiving a 2014 MITO Business Skills scholarship which saw him gain a National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4). The one-year programme provides a professional development opportunity for people aspiring to management excellence.Isaac used his Graduate scholarship, which contributed up to $2,000 towards any programme of study related to the industry, to enrol in MITO’s ATech® training programme. The automotive industry’s premiere standard for nationally recognised training, ATech® leads to a National Certificate in Motor Industry (Advanced Technical) (Level 5). “I’m currently on my fourth qualification through MITO and ATech® is definitely the most challenging one yet,” Isaac says. “But there is a lot of support available and you’re given everything you need to complete the qualification. It’s a really good system”.

“Realistically, neither of these training programmes would have been available to me without the scholarships,” says Isaac. “Due to some budget constraints at home – including the birth of my daughter — I just wouldn’t have been able to afford them. It’s therefore been of real significance to me, and I’m grateful that I‘ve been fortunate twice now!”

Speaking on what the training programmes have done for his career, Isaac doesn’t hold back. “Honestly, it’s been massive. Receiving my National Certificate in Business has directly attributed to me working in my current position. It’s been instrumental in being taken seriously as a Workshop Manager but has also given me the skills, knowledge and confidence to walk in to that sort of role. Looking back at my training, there have been several aspects of this job that I wouldn’t have otherwise known how to do had I not undertaken the qualification.”

After 20 years in the industry, business owner Blair Rosson knows the importance of a qualification and has seen first-hand the benefit of Isaac’s training. “Isaac’s an incredibly hardworking and thorough individual and the scholarships he has received, and the subsequent qualifications he has completed, have not only helped in the day to day activities of the workshop, but also in the management of our staff and customers.”

Isaac clearly enjoys his job and likens it to “working on your hobby all day.”  With his numerous qualifications and continuously growing skillset, he hopes to one day run his own business, but for now has his sights firmly set on completing ATech® —“although it can be quite difficult to get a lot done when your 17 month old keeps stealing your pens and paper,” he laughs. 

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