Success for Truck Operator
With over 20 years’ experience driving logging trucks, Dean Taiaroa has now been recognised with a national qualification.
The qualification has been an excellent opportunity to get my skills and experience accredited.
The 40-year-old McCarthy Transport truck operator has recently completed MITO’s National Certificate in Transportation of Logs by Road. “The qualification has been an excellent opportunity to get my skills and experience accredited—it’s great to finally get recognised!” says Dean.
Dean Taiaroa completed the National Certificate in Transportation of Logs by Road
Dean thinks the qualification is a big step forward for truck operators. “It’s a serious job driving a 44-tonne truck on the highway with all the other road users. The qualification has helped raise my awareness of the safety requirements when operating a truck on the open road.”
McCarthy Transport’s Training Manager, Craig Gibbins, currently has 25 truck operators completing the qualification. “It’s great that they are being recognised for their hard work. They are all awesome to start with, but now the expertise that they learnt during the qualification is flowing though into their work—the level of professionalism has really lifted.”
Dean knew he wanted to drive logging trucks from a young age. “As a wee lad, I would sit outside my house and wait for a truck to pass, so I could wave at the driver!” His passion for driving trucks hasn’t changed. “When it comes to having my days off, by the second day I am just itching to be back in the driving seat,” says Dean.
A typical 13-hour work shift for Dean sees him starting at 2am and driving anywhere from 200 to 700 kilometres. His favourite piece of road is the Parapara Highway, because “it has a couple of good corners and hills in it.”
Dean is extremely proud of his achievement, which has opened his eyes to completing further qualifications. “For me personally it’s a pride thing, I get something to show for the hard work I put in and the experience I have.”