Henson and Murray Engine Rebuilders staff member, Nichollas (Nick) was awarded a MITO Kickstart scholarship which funded his training for the MITO – Te Pūkenga New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Machining (Level 4).
Henson and Murray Engine Rebuilders staff member, Nichollas (Nick) was awarded a MITO Kickstart scholarship which funded his training for the MITO – Te Pūkenga New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Machining (Level 4).
MITO Alumni Māori scholarship recipient Shanel is currently leveling up her career with the MITO – Te Pūkenga New Zealand Certificate in Electric Vehicle Automotive Engineering (Level 5).
Scholarship recipient Ben is upskilling with MITO – Te Pūkenga's New Zealand Certificate in Electric Vehicle Automotive Engineering (Level 5).
With the help of a MITO - Te Pūkenga scholarship, Sam is upskilling with the New Zealand Certificate in Collision Repair (Structural Repair) (Level 5).
Peter has been working as an equipment technician for two years and is hoping to finish his MITO - Te Pūkenga apprenticeship by the end of the year. We had a chat about his experience as an apprentice in the heavy automotive industry.
At only 18 years old, Sidney has already begun an impressive career path in the automotive industry, proving that “trades are not gender specific.”
Tom is proud to have Olivia on his team and recognises the value of having a young person’s perspective in the workplace. “I always like to have an apprentice and then promote from within, it’s just the sort of business we run. It’s always important to pass knowledge down too before the knowledge is retired and in the retirement home."
“There is a marked shortage of experienced people,” Dion says. Both managers knew the answer was to grow the people themselves. They made a significant increase in their employment of apprentices to do so and today the Group is proud to have more than 30% of their technicians completing apprenticeships with MITO.
Karley Gorton always had a passion for cars, something that was inspired by her dad and her love of speedway racing. Fast forward a few years Karley has been able to live out her passions as a qualified automotive technician.