Commercial Road Transport
MITO's on-the-job training programmes will give you the skills needed to be a heavy haulage operator, goods service heavy vehicle driver or log transport operator within the Commercial Road Transport industry.
With over 70,000 New Zealanders working within these industries, there are plenty of opportunities for you to find a rewarding career. Put yourself in the driver’s seat with jobs such as Heavy Vehicle Driver, Log Transport Operator and Bus Driver.
Download the commercial road transport industry factsheet Download the passenger services industry factsheet
Download the stevedoring and ports industry factsheet Download the transport and logistics industry brochure
Download the warehousing and logistics factsheet
The Truck Book: Professional Skills for Driving Trucks (second edition) is now available for order. This 2021 edition is designed to provide both learner and experienced drivers in the New Zealand Commercial Road Transport industry with a ready source of information to assist them achieve or maintain a professional operating standard.
MITO's on-the-job training programmes will give you the skills needed to be a heavy haulage operator, goods service heavy vehicle driver or log transport operator within the Commercial Road Transport industry.
Gain the skills and knowledge to work in the passenger service sector and drive school or urban buses lawfully and safely.