A Successful Career the End Goal

Twenty-seven year old MITO graduate, Fune Misa, admits to being a bit of a mischief-maker in his younger days. “I didn’t really think I was going to get anywhere,” he says. “However, one day I asked myself a fairly straightforward question. Where did I want to be in 10 years?” The answer came easily. “I wanted to have a successful career. That was my end goal."

I love learning new things every day.

Fune Misa

Automotive Heavy Engineering Technician, Fune Misa

As an automotive heavy engineering technician, Fune repairs and maintains the fleet of buses at Mana Coach Services in Porirua. After completing his apprenticeship in December last year, Fune gained a National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Heavy Engineering) (Level 4) through MITO – something he takes a lot of pride in. “When I was presented with my certificate, I immediately thought of how far I’d come. It was a long road for me and, although it wasn’t always easy, the hard work paid off and I was really happy with what I had accomplished. My mum was also there and I could see a few tears in her eyes and how proud she was of me. It was a great moment for me and my family!” 

Fune’s supervisor, Fleet and Plant Manager Graham Ellis, is also more than pleased with what he has achieved. “Fune’s done incredibly well. Understandably, he started off a little nervous, but also full of confidence and you could tell that he really wanted this. He asks a lot of questions, which is great, and always puts a lot of effort into what he does which is reflected in the quality of his work. He’s a highly valued and respected member of the workshop”.

Fune credits Graham with being one of the driving forces behind his motivation to complete his apprenticeship. “Graham’s a top-notch guy who always pushes me to achieve more,” says Fune. “He had a lot of belief in me and was always looking at what additional training I could do that would be of benefit. He sent me on numerous courses, and I even spent a week with both an automotive electrician, learning how to repair starter motors and alternators, and with a diesel and turbo specialist, working with fuel pumps and injectors. Even after each assignment I completed, Graham was always on my case asking me what I had learned,” Fune laughs. 

“I also received great support from Jeremy Fleming my MITO Industry Training Advisor,” Fune says. He and Graham were always enthusiastically discussing how I was going, and what assistance they could both give me. Also, when I didn’t understand something, like in one of my assignments for example, I would just ring Jeremy, ask for his advice, and he would always point me in the right direction. There really was help for me everywhere!”

As a strong supporter for getting qualified, and what it can do for your career, Fune often recommends a qualification to others. “I’m always telling my family and friends to look at a qualification as a great option for their future. I’m all for it!”

With his apprenticeship now completed, Fune is looking forward to settling into his role and utilising the skills he has learned, in an industry he really enjoys. “I love learning new things every day” he says, “and particularly enjoy getting stuck in to the engineering side of things.”

He’s also set to start night classes to gain his welding certificate and has discussed with Graham the possibility of enrolling in MITO’s First Line Management programme. “I think a management qualification would be a logical next step for me and my career,” Fune says.

It appears the end goal, is just beginning.

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