When Hard Work Meets Opportunity

With four MITO programmes and over a decade of industry experience, Keith Andrews Trucks service manager Zahid Koya's career exemplifies the rewards of hard work and continuous learning. 

Originally from Fiji, Zahid began his heavy automotive career at CablePrice in 2013, where he was given the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship. Over the next 11 years, Zahid thrived at CablePrice, completing his apprenticeship and pursuing three additional MITO programmes. He was also awarded a scholarship to complete the New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering (Level 5).  

Reflecting on his experience with the Level 5 programme, Zahid described it as both challenging and fulfilling. He candidly shared that there were moments when he considered giving up but found renewed motivation through the scholarship. “I enjoyed the Level 5 programme [but] it came to a stage where I was ready to pack it in. However, with me being awarded a scholarship to complete it, there was a lot of motivation to not waste an opportunity others could’ve had.” 

The scholarship proved transformative for Zahid, leading to new opportunities and greater responsibilities. After completing the programme, he joined Keith Andrews Trucks as service manager for their Seaview and Porirua branches. 

This role marked a significant transition for Zahid, shifting him away from hands-on truck repairs to a more customer-focused position. “My role has changed from a hands-on one, where I was fixing trucks, to being more customer focused. The same principles apply, but it's more focused on delivering to our customers and ensuring things are done in a correct and timely manner. I also provide technical and personal support to staff, ensuring they have every opportunity to excel.” 

Zahid says the knowledge he gained through the Level 5 programme remains highly relevant in his new role. “Although I moved away from the floor, the things I learned through the scholarship still help me. It’s not [just] something I studied; I actually make use of the knowledge.” 

Zahid attributes much of his success to MITO’s support, highlighting the invaluable guidance he received throughout his studies. “They didn’t treat anything as a wrong answer. Rather than just telling me I was incorrect, they would encourage me to improve the answer or provide further support.”

Throughout his career, Zahid has made a point of seizing opportunities. From his move to New Zealand to his MITO scholarship, Zahid’s journey demonstrates what can be achieved when hard work meets opportunity. “Coming from Fiji, we don't have these opportunities. In New Zealand, there are a lot of opportunities to excel, and people should take them. Yes, you spend a certain time studying, but with hard work and the right qualification, you can go anywhere.” 

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